This Month’s Theme: Eagle Arms and the Potential Benefits of Sprouted Nuts and Seeds

Favorite Online Mini Trainings

New mini training posted the first two Wednesdays of the month. Make sure to watch this space each week as this content will be taken down at the end of the month and you won’t want to miss it!

Week #1

Pam’s two cents:

  • This is a nice, short post about your posterior chain and why it’s so important to be aware of.
  • You’ll see a basic picture of the posterior chain highlighted, enabling you to visualize the areas of the body that you want to be engaging as you work in some of the yoga poses that I’ll be sharing this month.

Pam’s notes:

  • You’ll hear me talking a lot about the posterior chain this month…sorry, but it’s helped me so much and I can’t contain my excitement about sharing ways we can incorporate it into our yoga practice! Our first pose this month is a variation of Salabhasana with cueing even more activation of the posterior chain.

Week #2

Pam’s two cents:

What you’ll learn:

  • Exactly how to practice decompresison breathing

Pam’s notes:


  • Besides creating more length and comfort in the low back, I feel there is another benefit to practicing this breathing technique: it helps to set you up with a neutral spine. Neutral is believed to be a position where there is the least amount of strain on the back. Thus, when hip hinging, even though your pelvis is in a slight anterior tilt, the decompression breath balances this by breathing into the upper back ribs as you slightly puff the back ribs out.
  • Watch the visual on exactly how to practice decompression breathing or read the short blog I found on how to use a scarf to practice breathing into the upper back ribs.


4 + 5 =

1500 Old Deerfield Rd Highland Park, IL 60035