This Month’s Theme: Eagle Arms and the Potential Benefits of Sprouted Nuts and Seeds

A Twist on Ardha Matsyendrasana and More on Better Digestion

A Twist on Ardha Matsyendrasana and More on Better Digestion

One inspiring cue: ARDHA MATSYANDRASANA When twisting to the right, take your hands to your heart in prayer pose (as shown below), keep tone in your belly, and gently push your right hand into your left. When you twist to the left, you will press your left hand into...
Twists and Better Digestion

Twists and Better Digestion

One inspiring cue: ARDHA MATSYANDRASANA Twist to your right first and take medium-length breaths. Feel your breath expand into the left-side rib cage and lung area a little more. Why? It can be challenging to take deep breaths when twisting. By taking medium-length...