More Right Angle Handstand and The Benefits of Coffee

More Right Angle Handstand and The Benefits of Coffee

One inspiring cue: RIGHT ANGLE HANDSTAND – Push down into both hands and at the same time push into your foot that’s on the wall. Why? The more you can ground through your hands and the foot that’s on the wall, the more stable you will feel. One...
Right Angle Handstand and The Benefits of Coffee

Right Angle Handstand and The Benefits of Coffee

One inspiring cue: Start in Downdog with your heels on the wall. Take one foot to the wall with your knee bent so your leg is parallel to the ground. Then, push your foot into the wall and float your other foot off of the ground. If you feel stable in your shoulders...
More Double Toe Hold Pose and the Benefits of MCT Oil

More Double Toe Hold Pose and the Benefits of MCT Oil

One inspiring cue: Ground through your sits bones and lengthen the front of your torso by stretching your sternum away from your sits bones. If you feel strain in your low back, engage your core just enough to feel support. Why? As I shared last week, the length of...
Double Toe Hold Pose and the Benefits of MCT Oil

Double Toe Hold Pose and the Benefits of MCT Oil

One inspiring cue: Draw your low back toward your legs and feel the length in your front body. Why? When you draw your low back in and towards your legs, you aid in keeping your back long and neutral – one of the things we strive for in many of the yoga poses....