May 17, 2023 | Double Toe Hold Pose, MCT Oil

One inspiring cue:

Ground through your sits bones and lengthen the front of your torso by stretching your sternum away from your sits bones. If you feel strain in your low back, engage your core just enough to feel support.

As I shared last week, the length of your spine in this pose helps to strengthen your back and keep strain out of the low back for most people. You want to feel long and strong in this pose.

One inspiring tip:

Place a strap around the soles of your feet as shown below and loop it behind your upper back. Make sure the strap is taut. This will help support your back and make the pose easier all around. You can do this with your knees bent too. In either variation, push your feet against the strap to add more length for your spine and support for your back. I like this variation because it allows you to be tension free in your arms. Give it a try!

One inspiring song:

“Feathery” by Milky Chance

One inspiring quote:

“A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
– Maya Angelou

Nutrition nugget:


In my last newsletter I covered some potential benefits of MCT oil. Today, I will share some science around saturated fat since I believe this is a hot topic when it comes to MCTs.

As with almost every other nutrition study, you will find conflicting information. The answer for me is always balance. If I hear or read about a health craze that is backed by reputable sources, I may incorporate it into my diet, but I still practice moderation. Especially with new health trends, you never know if the science may change in ten years.

If you’re looking for a good article explaining more about MCTs, click here or on the image below.

While researching MCTs, I came across this informative article from Weight Watchers, which quotes a doctor’s comments on saturated fat and cholesterol. Do we need to be concerned about this in MCT oil? This depends on what you read. I’ll share conclusions from large studies and let you decide for yourself.

“Some fans insist that the high amount of saturated fat in MCT oil won’t raise levels of bad cholesterol (like butter can) because MCT oil is digested differently. But don’t bank on that, cautions researcher Michael Skilton, PhD, a professor of nutrition and cardiometabolic health at Australia’s University of Sydney. In a recent review published in the Journal of Nutrition, Dr. Skilton’s team concluded that when people trade unsaturated fats like olive oil for an MCT supplement, switching to MCT oil will, on average, lead to worse blood cholesterol levels, particularly when it comes to triglycerides in the blood. This tracks with previous studies of MCT food sources such as coconut oil, which has been shown to increase good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol alike.”

Let’s continue to dive deeper into the latest science about saturated fat and cholesterol. The following quote is from a large study on this topic.

“The study included data from 16,073 people in nine countries in Europe. Results: Total saturated fat intake was not associated with a higher risk of heart disease. However, specific foods high in saturated fat had different effects on the risk of heart disease. For example, each 1% increase in total energy intake from yogurt or cheese was linked to a 7% and 2% lower risk of heart disease respectively. Conversely, increased intake of red meat and butter were associated with a 7% and 2% higher risk of heart disease, respectively. Conclusion: Though total saturated fat intake has no effect on the risk of heart disease, certain foods high in saturated fat may impact heart health differently.” – Healthline

To read the article in its entirety, click here or on the image below.

There are 5 studies cited in the article and here are a couple of additional interesting conclusions (note: these are studies with thousands of people).

“Conclusion: In women, consuming saturated fat doesn’t increase the risk of heart disease or death and may be linked to a lower risk of other conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.”

“Conclusion: Consuming higher amounts of saturated fat from dairy may be associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.”

If you’re questioning whether you want to explore taking MCT oil, here is one more succinct article from Cleveland Clinic that explains how you can take it and what foods naturally have it.

So, should you take MCT oil? That up to you. If you are using it for a specific need, such as on keto, or want to see if you notice a difference in brain function (read my last newsletter), it may be worth a try. Remember to start with a low dose. If you are interested in the benefits it may have for Alzheimer’s or dementia, the amount you take need to take is higher and you should do more research. I found a doctor on Instagram who talks about using MCT oil and how it has benefited her husband’s dementia. @marynewportmd

One last piece of advice if you plan to do more research. When I come across health experts on social media touting anything, I always read the comments for more information. You will see other “experts” giving their two cents and sometimes sharing other research that supports or contradicts the initial claim. It’s always good to get the big picture!!

Lots of information to “digest”! Take your time and reach out to me with any questions! Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!